Raising Awareness
Our work in the area of grief and trauma in urban communities.
Trainings & Events
Attend a community or professional development workshops hosted by Urban Grief.
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How you can help Urban Grief continue to lead the fight against gun violence and trauma in urban communites.

Resilient and peaceful communities empowered to promote healing in the face of crisis.
We respond to trauma, crisis and grief, providing comprehensive solutions to individuals and communities.
About Urban Grief
Urban Grief is trauma informed and healing centered 501(c)(3) community-based organization. Urban Grief responds to the traumatic impact of community violence, death and loss through community education, crisis response, victim advocacy and grief support. Urban Grief provides relevant and relatable information about trauma, grief, self-care, resiliency, and victim services. UG acknowledges the prevalence of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), along with chronic exposure to traumatic events, and strives to avoid further re-traumatization.
The Grief Process
The initial news of a loved one’s death can be shocking and paralyzing. You may feel many emotions, have many questions, and you may be suddenly overwhelmed with many decisions and plans. You may experience grief in different steps; shock and disbelief in the immediate aftermath of the crime, despair and abandonment during trial, and perhaps relief and longing following the trial and during holidays and anniversaries. In addition, homicide survivors have little privacy due to news and social media, who often report inaccurate or inappropriate information.
Things to keep in mind throughout your mourning and grieving process:
Everyone’s way of processing or coping with grief is different, so it is important to remember that no one is reacting “right” or “wrong”. We all respond differently. During your own process of recovery, it is important to empower yourself to take your own steps while not expecting too much of yourself or others.
Grief is not orderly and predictable. You may reach a period of relative calm followed by intense grief. You may wonder if you are making any progress at all – you are! Be patient and gentle with yourself. As time passes, you will heal.
You will get through this. In time, grief will eventually become more manageable. You will gradually feel stronger and more in charge. Allow yourself to take steps to gain strength and peace.
Urban Grief is currently seeking donations to support our work with young survivors. Your $19 donation will raise funds to support our organization and provide youth survivors of violence with Uggy Bear, the official U.G.S. (Urban Grief Survivor) teddy bear.
Each Uggy Bear will be given to youth directly impacted by community violence!